Driver For Usb Shock Joystick Bike

I have a USB Microsoft Joystick (SideWinder Precision 2) and a USB generic Gamepad (PowerWave-2200) for my PC. The original drivers will not install on my Windows 7 PC, because Windows 7 has decided that it’s “HID-compliant game controller” is the best for the job. While both my USB devices currently does work with limited capacity on most games, the problem is that, where as a real driver (a product specific driver) would have enabled me to control what the buttons on the USB device do, this is not possible through Windows’ “HID-compliant game controller”, there are even functions built in to the USB device that will not work with the “HID-compliant game controller”, such as the PowerWave’s ability to vibrate. However here is the question: As the Windows “HID-compliant game controller” is a generic controller/driver, working with a lot of different USB devices, it would seem that a perfect solution to the problem would be to make it possible to set, or control, the code coming out of the “HID-compliant game controller” – So, does anyone have (or can someone develop) a driver-type program that can allow you to customise (set, control or re-program) the functions interpreted by the “HID-compliant game controller” of the input signals from the USB device? Just to clarify: So, the idea is a train of command as follows: from “USB device” >to “HID-compliant game controller” >to “driver-type program” >to “Game software”.
Specification: Dimension: 90mm x 151mm x 50mm L x W x H; Weight: 340g; With analog vibrating support; 15 buttons and 2 analog stick supported; Lightweight and very portable; Interface: USB; Cord Length: USB connector: 1400mm Twin USB Gamepad: 1000mm. Package Content: 1 x USB Dual Shock Gamepad. Malam sobat, kali ini saya akan membagikan driver usb joystick. Jika ada yang bertanya kegunaan driver ini yaitu untuk menghubungkan stick/joystick ke pc.
(Or does anyone know if it is possible to directly access the “HID-compliant game controller” and change its function settings, from behind the scene so to say?) Cheers J.N. Let’s try the below steps and check. You must be logged on as an administrator to perform these steps.
Open Device Manager by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Maintenance, and then clicking Device Manager. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
In Device Manager, locate SideWinder Precision, and then double-click the device name. Click the Driver tab, and then click Update Driver and follow the instructions. Thanks and Regards Umesh P - Microsoft Support.
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By marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster. Roland Styles. ]. Hi Umesh P, thank you for your time and attention in an effort to help me (and others) in finding a solution to the described problem. First a bit more information about my setup: The exact name and model number of the joystick is: Microsoft SideWinder Precision 2 Joystick. Product ID: 52862-5-00000 I am wanting to use the Joystick with a Need For Speed (NFS) game. In this instance this particular game program can only be played with a keyboard, so I am wanting be able to program (or set) the button functions on the Joystick to simulate keys pressed on a keyboard.
(I would actually prefer to use the generic game pad for this instead, because of the positions of the buttons on the input device, but as this is a Microsoft forum it is probably appropriate to first focus on the Microsoft product) This is what happens, I plug in the SideWinder Precision 2 Joystick, go to the [Control Panel >Hardware and Sound >Device Manager]. The only change here is an added “HID-compliant game controller” and a “USB Input Device”, both located within the “Human Interface Devices”, nothing else – i.e.