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Intel® Parallel Studio XE is a suite of software development tools combining industry-leading compilers, performance libraries, error checking, and performance profiling. The suite enables software developers to get high performance on today’s and tomorrow’s Intel® Xeon® and Intel® Xeon Phi™ processors and coprocessors. The suite simplifies the creation of fast, reliable parallel code for C++, Fortran, and Python.
Developers can choose from three editions that meet their needs. Intel Parallel Studio XE integrates into leading development environments, leveraging investment in existing code.
Download Free Bureau Veritas Iso 22716 Standard. Intel® Parallel Studio XE enables software developers to boost application performance by taking advantage of the ever-increasing processor core count and vector register width available in Intel® Xeon® processors, Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessors, and compatible processors. It includes popular Intel® compilers and performance libraries—such as Intel® Math Kernel Library, Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library, Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives, and more—for high-performance computing, big data analytics, and machine learning.