Super Mario Text Downloader
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Learn how to create a 3D plastic text in Photoshop inspired by the classic Super Mario Video Game; First you have to download the and learn how to. Write a simple text; I will use 3 text layers writing SUPER PSD DUDE LAND; you will see that you will have to create the effect for each text layer individually. Make each letter a different color; use bright tones of yellow, blue, green, etc.
Now you will have to work with each text layer individually and add the following layer styles. Please remove the black background layer before you go to the next step. Right click on the Text Layer and Duplicate the smart object two times and add the following layer styles for each layer. To the first Smart Object Layer add a Stroke using a dark gray color #252525 For the second Smart Object Layer add a Drop Shadow and a Bevel and Emboss Select the two layers and convert them into a new smart object. Go to my website and download for free this cool and play the first action from this pack. The result should look similar to this one; will have to make some small adjustments to look like plastic text effect. First you have to remove the background layer; second go to the first layer named ' 3D effect' and hide the Color Overlay effect and modify the Bevel and Emboss style as follows. Tcx Pantone Book Pdf.