The Secret Of The Dark Stars Pdf

View PDF View PDF. Download Add to My Files Share file. About Us Features. Developers Hosting Partners. Terms of Service Privacy Policy DMCA. Contact Us; Facebook Twitter. With love from Switzerland. 'The Secret of the Dark Star is a rare book, a strange, extraordinary, timeless, fascinating book. We find in the same book the richness of a novel, a historical and above all spiritual coherence that can make sense of the world surrounding us; it is a challenge. A small miracle! If the presentation of the book reminds us of an.
The Secret is a best-selling 2006 self-help book by Rhonda Byrne, based on the earlier film of the same name. It is based on the pseudoscientific law of attraction which claims that thoughts can change the world directly. The book has sold 20 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 50 languages. Er, the universe was featureless and dark for a long stretch of its early history. The first stars did not appear until perhaps 100 million years after the big bang, and nearly a billion years passed before galaxies proliferated across the cosmos. THE SECRET LIVES OF STARS. □ Computer simulations show that the first stars.
Hello Everyone Its been a while since I've posted anything but this is a message really worth sharing. Anton Parks is now available in English!
Some personal opinions about the importance of these books: a) There is little that I haven't read in the last 20 years from the alternative fields. These are by far the most valuable books I have ever come accross (because they cross reference real physical. You know things you can actually touch. Flightsim Commander 9 6 Cracked.
Archeology with other sources of information) b) A lot of personal memories and experiences that were confirmed years later through these books c) They may not be a as wishy-washy or ego-boosting as other sources in the alternative fields but nobody said the real truth is pretty. The Secret of the Dark Stars: AMAZON.FR: AMAZON.UK: AMAZON.DE: AMAZON.ES: AMAZON.IT: Eden: AMAZON.FR: AMAZON.UK: AMAZON.DE: AMAZON.ES: AMAZON.IT: What makes Anton unique is his combination of different sources of information with cross-reference of unearthed tablets from Mesopotamia as well as with analysis of old languages. Things you can actually see & touch. Which is pretty rare for anything in the alternative community.
You can find the summary here I already own the two books above and they are worth every penny. Please support these books so the rest of them can be also translated. We need to support the sharing of the real history of this planet now more than ever. Thanks TheChosen, I have bought the whole five books of Anton Parks, I knew that, at least his first book had been translated in English, now two, great! I have been mentioned Anton Parks on different Treads here, but, not many were aware of his work, now, part of his work translated, we will be able to share ideas on his research. There is a lot of information pertaining to Anton Parks first book in French, his 5th edition was release in 2007, so his work started way back, and Anton have been interviewed by many! The best to you! Aktif Reaktif Kapasitif Hesaplama Program Ma on this page.