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Here is the second episode of Dragon Ball Z Kai to vostfr, spread(broadcasted) on Game One. I you him(it) said at once subtitles are thus all moved you are prevented(warned). Do not put me comments by saying: ' there are the moved subtitles his(her,its) normal? ' It is not of my fault its Game One that spread(broadcasted) the episode with the moved subtitles.
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At the beginning I did not want to put him(it) on-line because of subtitles but I thought that he(she) could you interest to see the episode with the musics of DBZ. Here is finally the episode 4 of Dragon Ball Z Kai in VOSTFR who was spread(broadcasted) there is indeed for a long time on Game One. It is a little grace(favor) has zoroark419 that I found him(it). Because he(it) left a comment by asking why there was not episode anymore of DBZ KAI in VOSTFR. I he is answered that he was almost untraceable.

It is little there that I said myself ' have absolutely I to find them '. After all I found episode 4, 5 and 6 for this morning. I looked as a nutcase and there I publish at present this episode at the 3 am in the morning.
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