El Maestro De Maestros Augusto Cury Pdf
A Brazilian psychiatrist, Dr. Cury is the author of a number of books dealing with self-help, social criticism, and psychological themes. Most notably, he developed a theory of 'multifocal intelligence,' which examines several dimensions of the ways the mind works, i.e, the formation of thought, conscience, memory, etc.
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Cury states his intention of applying this multifocal intelligence theory to Jesus as described in the gospels, but in this first volume of his collection, 'Analysis of the Intel A Brazilian psychiatrist, Dr. Cury is the author of a number of books dealing with self-help, social criticism, and psychological themes. Most notably, he developed a theory of 'multifocal intelligence,' which examines several dimensions of the ways the mind works, i.e, the formation of thought, conscience, memory, etc. Cury states his intention of applying this multifocal intelligence theory to Jesus as described in the gospels, but in this first volume of his collection, 'Analysis of the Intelligence of Christ,' he fails to do so. Rather, in a series of brief chapters, the author presents evidence that Jesus in fact existed and was not merely a creative literary product, demonstrates the importance of studying Jesus' intellect scientifically, and theorizes about the ways that Jesus would impact medicine and politics if he were alive today. He then describes the content and methodology of Jesus' teachings and his interpersonal relationships. While asserting firmly from the beginning that we would all do well to follow Jesus' example, it may appear to be a contradiction that Cury identifies himself as an atheist, but his perspective is consistently humanistic.
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